
A PM that couldn't sink any lower

As a glaswegian, the fallout from the fall from grace of our City Council leader needs to be aired and independently scrutinized. So shouldn't it be right that one of Glasgow's local MPs ask the leader of the country about this. However, here is the response:


Sorry about that

Sorry, my mind seems to have wandered there, I am starting to think I need to get out more, experience life. Being Scottish, gives me a deep love of my country but I sometimes wonder if it also shackles me to this land that I love. I remember writing an essay in high school in which i wrote that I would love to drive around Europe, here I am 15 years later and am no closer to that goal.
I think I need some inspiration from somewhere, the question is from what?

He thinks he has issues

My  avatar on Earth seems to be having issues with the local political machinations.
Does he realize how lucky he is to grow up in a world where he has clothes, food and a chance for life.
He never had to grow up in the shadow of the Cataclysm, struggling to survive as my ancestors did.
Did he have to live through the Dragon Wars, no but then that is to be expected from this weakling.
He spent his life in books like some mage or Aesthetic never learning the arts of combat.
If he did, then I might have some respect for him.


To Vilify or not to Vilify for that is the question?

It is so interesting to note, another week another storm in a tea cup that has been picked up by Labour and touted by the local media as important as Watergate, our esteemed Deputy First Minister in her position as an MSP for Govan & not as Health Secretary wrote a letter on behalf of a constituent on a matter of the type of sentencing that he could get, stress could. There was no mention of trying to get him off, an action that seems to be implied in each successive attack on Miss Sturgeon.

It should be noted the actions taken by Ms. Sturgeon are similar to an action taken by our esteemed Prime Minister Gordon Brown for one of his constituents, yet this is swept under the carpet.

I especially love how this was the leading article in the UK not just the Scottish news section of the BBC website and this on the same day that MPs were being charged with essentially stealing from the public purse. So much for the impartiality of the BBC as outlined in their charter. We all pay for this service so there shoudl be some way for the local tax payer to hold them to account on this.

Now don't get me wrong, I would have no issue with the SNP being giving a rough time by the press if they were indeed doing things that were to bring the country into disrepute, like illegally invade another country, advocate the use of torture, etc. Strange though that if it was Labour, they seem to ignore it, Me thinks, the glass panes of the Glasgow Quay sited offices of BBC Scotland are covered in red rose tinted glass.


The real new beginning

The first post was just a bit of fun, but I wanted to create a name for my blog that would be different and as my two loves are role playing & Scotland, it seemed a good fit.
That being said I am quite opinionated and have had enough of having nowhere to vent my spleen.

Lets start with talking about myself, my name is Graham Paterson and am a computer programmer by trade.
I am 30 years old and am somewhat at a crossroads in my life.

I will be using this blog to talk a bit about this and that, so I apologize if some topics don't really cut the mustard.

A new beginning

I never should have borrowed that Device of Time Travelling from that blasted kender.
"Don't worry, Sebastian, I'll just send you back two days so you can get to your sister's wedding."
Yeah right, what happened, I end up with my soul ripped from my body and pushed into an alien. He may be human but he isn't from Krynn that's for sure. It appears I have no way back and i have co-existed in this body for too long. Though that being said, at least this world have no goblins or dragons except in the various mythologies of the world. Gotta go before the human wakes up, I can only surface during these quiet periods.